Oliveira, Sérgio Ricardo de Jesus; Soares, Alcimar Barbosa. A new prority-based dynamic protocol for multiple access control improves data transfer rates in WBANs . Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2018; 41:100-108. doi: 10.1016/j.bspc.2017.11.013
Silva, Maristella Borges; Silva, Andrei Nakagawa; Naves, Eduardo Lázaro Martins; Palomari, Evanisi Teresa; Soares, Alcimar Barbosa. An improved approach for measuring the tonic stretch reflex response of spastic muscles. Computers in Biology and Medicine. 2017; 80:166-174. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiomed.2016.12.001
Carneiro, Pedro Cunha; Franco, Marcelo Lemos Nunes; Thomas, Ricardo de Lima; Patrocínio, Ana Cláudia. Breast density pattern characterization by histogram features and texture descriptors . Research on Biomedical Engineering. 2017; 33(1):69:77. doi: 10.1590/2446-4740.07916
A. R. P. Machado et al., Feature visualization and classification for the discrimination between individuals with Parkinson’s disease under levodopa and DBS treatments. Biomed. Eng. Online, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 169, Dec. 2016. doi: 10.1186/s12938-016-0290-y.
Vieira, Débora; Silva, Maristella Borges; Melo, Mariana Cardoso; Soares, Alcimar Barbosa. Effect of Myofeedback on the Threshold of the Stretch Reflex Response of Post-Stroke Spastic Patients. Disability and Rehabilitation. 2016. doi: 10.3109/09638288.2016.1146359.
Osborn, Luke; Kaliki, Rahul; Soares, Alcimar Barbosa; Thakor, Nitish. Neuromimetic Event Based Detection for Closed-Loop Tactile Feedback Control of Upper Limb Prostheses. IEEE Transactions on Haptics. 2016.
Oliveira, Luciene Chagas de; Soares, Alcimar Barbosa; Cardoso, Alexandre; Andrade, Adriano de Oliveira; Lamounier Jr, Edgard Afonso. Mobile Augmented Reality enhances indoor navigation for wheelchair users. Research on Biomedical Engineering. 2016; 32(1):111-122.
Beaulieu, Robert J; Masters, Matthew R; Betthauser, J; Smith, Ryan J; Kaliki, Rahul; Thakor, Nitish V; Soares, Alcimar Barbosa. Multi-position Training Improves Robustness of Pattern-Recognition and Reduces Limb-Position Effect in Prosthetic Control. Journal of Prosthetics and Orthotics. 2016.
Siqueira Júnior, Ailton Luiz Dias; Soares, Alcimar Barbosa. A novel method for EMG decomposition based on matched filters. Research on Biomedical Engineering. 2015; 31(1):44-55. doi: 10.1590/2446-4740.0643.
Azevedo, MR; Silva, MB; Melo, MC; MACIEL, M; Soares, AB. Bruxismo do sono e o padrão neurocomportamental - proposta de protocolo de biofeedback multimodal (Sleep bruxism and the neurobehavioral patter – proposal of a multimodal biofeedback protocol). Ortodontia. 2015; 48:270-283.
Caetano, D; Mattioli, F; Cardoso, A; Soares, AB; Lamounier Junior, EA. O uso de realidade aumentada em treinamento de cadeirantes por telereabilitação (The use of augmented reality and telerehabilitation for the training of wheelchair users). Tendências e Técnicas em Realidade Virtual e Aumentada. 2015; 5:102-120.
Guo, M; Xu, G; Wang, L; Masters, MR; Milsap, G; Thakor, N; Soares, AB. The anterior contralateral response improves performance in a single trial auditory oddball BMI. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. 2015; 22:74-84. doi: 10.1016/j.bspc.2015.06.014.
de Sá, AAR; Soares, AB; Andrade, AO; Nasuto, SJ. Decomposition of Surface Electromyographic Signal Using Hidden Markov Model. Journal of Health Science. 2014; 2:28-40.
Garcia, LM; Soares, AB; Simieli, C; Boratino, P; Guirro, RR de J. On the effect of thermal agents in the response of the brachial biceps at different contraction levels. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2014; 24(6):881-887. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2014.07.013.
Soares, SRM; Soares, AB; de Sá, AAR. Identification of risk factors for falls in the elderly. Journal of Health Science. 2013; 1:36-47.
Soares, AB; Ticianeli, JG; Soares LBM; Amaro, G. On the effect of the injection of potassium phosphate in vivo inducing the precipitation of serum calcium with inorganic phosphate. International Journal of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Pharmacology. 2013; 5:239-247.
Guimarães, VA; Moraes, NN; Naves, ELM; Pino, P; Pereira, AA; Andrade, AO; Soares, AB; Bourhis, G. Sistema de Comunicação Alternativa Assistiva Acionado por Sinais Eletromiográficos(An EMG based assistive alternative communication system). Revista Brasileira de Inovação Tecnologica em Saúde. 2012; 1:18-26.
de Sá, AAR; Soares, AB. Interface computacional 3D para biofeedback multimodal em tempo real (A 3D computer interface for real-tie multimodal biofeedback). Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica. 2012; 28:387-397.
Medeiros, CGG; Soares, AB; Fernandes Neto, AJ; de Sá, AAR. Avaliação eletromiográfica em pacientes com cefaleia do tipo tensional submetidos a terapia com biofeedback (Electromyographic evaluation of tension headache patients submitted to biofeedback therapy). Terapia Manual. 2012; 10:148-153.
Soares, AB; Souza, DB; Milagre, ST. Avaliação econômica da implantação de um serviço de Engenharia Clínica em hospital público brasileiro (Economic evaluation of the implementation of a clinical engineering service in a Brazilian public hospital). Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Biomédica. 2012; 28:327-336. doi: 10.4322/rbeb.2012.042.
Lamounier Junior, EA; Lopes, K; Cardoso, A; Soares, AB. Using augmented reality techniques to simulate myoelectric upper limb prostheses. Journal of Bioengineering and Biomedical Science. 2012; S1:010-6.
Silva, GM; de Sá, AAR; Faria, VNR; Soares, AB; Peixoto, H; Dib Neto, IKG. Interface computacional de biometria como ferramenta de apoio à perícia de confronto de voz (A biometric computer interface as a tool for voice confrontation forensic). Revista Brasileira de Biometria. 2012; 30:442-460.
Naves, ELM; Andrade, AO; Soares, AB; Pereira, AA; Pino, P; Bourhis, G. An EOG-based human-computer interface for the control of an assisted communication device. Modelling, Measurement and Control C: Energetics, Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Earth, Resources, Environment, Biomedical Problems. 2010; 71:161.
Silva, DCO; Silva, Z; Souza, GC; Silva, LFG; Marques, KV; Soares, AB; Cerqueira, EP; Liberti, EA; Berzin, F. Electromyographic evaluation of upper limb muscles involved in armwrestling sport simulation during dynamic and static conditions. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2009; 9:e448-e457.
Naves, ELM; Andrade, AO; Pereira, AA; Soares, AB. Design and evaluation of a biomechanical system for athletes performance analysis. Measurement. 2009; 42:449-455.
Naves, ELM; Soares, AB; Pereira, AA; Andrade, AO. Modelagem do controle neuromuscular da postura ereta quasi-estática humana (Modeling the neuromuscular control of quasi-static human standing posture). Revista Brasileira de Biomecânica. 2008; 8:1-9.
Mansur, PHG; Cury, LKP; Andrade, AO; Pereira, AA; Miotto, GAA; Soares, AB, Naves, ELM. A review on techniques for tremor recording and quantification. Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering. 2007; 35:343-362.
Urquiza, MA; Soares, AB; Pereira AA; Souza, J. Plataforma de força tridimensional para análises biomecânicas e cinesiológicas (Tridimensional force platform for kinesiological and biomechanical analyses). Horizonte Científico. 2007; 1:1-19.
Coqueiro, KRR; Grossi, DB; Berzin, F; Soares, AB; Candolo, C; Pedro, VM. Analysis on the activation of the VMO and VLL muscle during semisquat exercise with and without hip adduction in individuals with patellofemoral pain syndrome. Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology. 2005; 15(6):596-603.
Lobato, DFM; Santos, GM; Coqueiro, KRR; Rosa, SMGM; Terrugini Junior, A; Grossi, DB; Sverzut, ACMM; Berzin, F; Soares, AB; Pedro, VM. Avaliação da Propriocepção do joelho em indivíduos portadores de disfunção femoropatelar (Knee proprioception in individuals with patellofemoral dysfunction). Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia. 2005; 9(1):57-61.
Paiva, LRM; Lima, SFO; Soares, AB; Lima, LV. Sistema de apoio ao ensino e aprendizado de geometria euclidiana e numeração posicional utilizando técnicas de Piaget (A support system for teaching and learning Euclidean geometry and positional numbering using Piaget’s techniques). FAZU em Revista. 2005; 1:261-270.
Naves, ELM; Pereira, AA; Santos, SS; Soares, AB. Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma de força para análise da performance biomecânica de saltos verticais (A force platform for biomechanical analyses of vertical jumps). Revista Brasileira de Biomecânica. 2004; 1(8):57-62.
Sverzut, ACM; Cornachione, A; Neder, L; Scandar, MP; Rosa, SMGM; Soares, AB; Berzin, F; Grossi DB; Pedro, VM. Morphological and morphometric characterization of the vastus lateralis obliquus muscle of adult autopsied individuals. Brazilian Journal of Morphological Sciences. 2004; 21(3):153-176.
Soares, AB; Andrade, AO; Lamounier Junior; EA; Carrijo, RS. The development of a virtual myoelectric prosthesis controlled by an EMG pattern recognition system based on neural networks. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems. 2003; 21(2):127-141.
Baraúna, MA; Canto, RST; Oliveira AS; Soares, AB, Silva, CDC; Cardozo, FAG. Avaliação do equilíbrio estático do portador de diabetes mellitus pela biofotogrametria (Evaluation of static balance of patients with diabetes mellitus by means of biophotogrametry). Diabetes Clínica. 2003; 1(1):57-62.
Soares, AB; Veiga; ACP; Andrade, AO, Pereira AEC; Barbar, JS. Functional Languages in Signal Processing Applied to Prosthetic Limb Control. Systems Analysis, Modelling, Simulation. 2002; 42(9):1377-1389.
Pelizer, MC; Franco, SD; Soares, AB. Desenvolvimento de um microesclerômetro/microdurômetro informatizado para altas temperaturas (The design of a computerized micro-esclerometer/micro-durometer for high temperatures). Máquinas e Metais. 2002; 38(438):114-125.
Lovato, M, Soares, AB, Baraúna, MA; Grossi, DB. Repercussões da mordida cruzada posterior unilateral na postura de crianças e adultos (Repercussion of posterior unilateral crossbite in the posture of children and adults). Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia. 2001; 5(1):43-43.